An Experience With PEMF Therapy
I'd tried PEMF several times, but randomly and with sessions that were far apart. One morning, after some strenuous yard work the day before, I woke up to severe pain in my shoulder blade area, and just below. This continued for about two weeks before I went to see my massage therapist . I thought at first it was a rotator cuff injury, but we determined that it was more rib oriented, possibly a dislocation. I had a full session (30 mins) on the PEMF machine. I focused on the pulsing of the machine in the area experiencing pain. In my mind's eye, I was picturing layers un-sticking as interstitial fluid flowed back in, re-establishing conductivity and proper cellular function. The session did offer immediate relief. The pain was still there, but it was noticeably duller compared to the sharpness present with every cough or sneeze. For the next couple of days, I focused on breathing and stretching, and the pain reduced every consecutive day. Through this regimen, I could feel thi